
What's New Archive

102 Verkbat105 Verkbat53 Ltverkbat104 Wrnverkcie42 Painfbat101 MidcieStstcie 41 Pabrig41 Afdva41 Paluabt41 HrstcieStstcie 4 DivStstcie 5 Div503 Matvzgpel PRTL41 Pabrig51 Pabrig611 Matvzgpel L2
11.07.2023 Updated Royal Air Force, Air Force Tactical Command: added Part VII.
11.07.2023 Updated Unit Organisation and Equipment, The Active Air Defence Squadron: revised footnote 2.
07.07.2023 Updated Royal Air Force, Air Force Tactical Command: expanded Part V.
07.07.2023 Updated Royal Air Force, Air Force Tactical Command, Part IV: expanded note b.
07.07.2023 Updated Royal Air Force, Air Force Tactical Command: specified combat aircraft squadron strengths and aircraft subtypes, passim.
02.07.2023 Updated Royal Air Force: minor expansion, added note i. Minor expansion of note a.
Updated Royal Air Force, Air Force Tactical Command: added Part VI.
Updated Royal Air Force, Air Force Tactical Command, Part I: added note q, revised note o.
Updated Royal Air Force, Air Force Tactical Command: expanded footnote 1.
27.06.2023 Updated Royal Air Force, Air Force Tactical Command, Part IV: editorial corrections to the notes section.
22.06.2023 Updated Royal Air Force, Air Force Tactical Command: added Part V.
Updated Royal Air Force: revised note b.
20.06.2023 Updated Royal Air Force, Air Force Tactical Command: editorial changes. Expanded Part II. Expanded footnote 4.
20.06.2023 Updated Preface.
18.06.2023 Updated Royal Air Force, Air Force Tactical Command: added Part IV. Expanded footnote 4, revised footnote 7.
18.06.2023 Updated Royal Army, 1 (NL) Corps, Light Aircraft Group: expanded the 'Operational Role' section, added footnote 5.
17.06.2023 Updated Royal Air Force, Logistic and Training Command: expanded note b.
13.06.2023 Updated Royal Air Force, Air Force Tactical Command: added Part III.
Updated Royal Air Force, Air Force Tactical Command: expanded Part II. Thanks to Leo van der Giessen for reporting the previous omission of TCA F-16.
13.06.2023 Updated Royal Air Force, Air Force Tactical Command, Part I: expanded note d.
06.06.2023 Updated Royal Air Force, Air Force Tactical Command: added Part II.
Updated Royal Air Force, Air Force Tactical Command, Part I: expanded footnote 10. Some minor adjustments in the tabular data.
14.04.2023 Updated Unit Organisation and Equipment, The Active Air Defence Squadron: some revisions and minor expansion. Also implemented in Royal Air Force, Air Force Tactical Command, Part I.
09.04.2023 Updated Unit Organisation and Equipment: added The Active Air Defence Squadron.
09.04.2023 Updated Royal Air Force, Air Force Tactical Command, Part I: revised the information on the SHORAD units.
05.04.2023 Updated Unit Organisation and Equipment: added The Air Base.
05.04.2023 Updated Royal Navy, Naval Command Netherlands, Part II: revised the organisational chart and expanded note c.
Updated Royal Air Force, Air Force Tactical Command, Part I: expanded note c and footnote 4.
26.02.2023 Updated Royal Air Force, Air Force Tactical Command, Part I: corrected 300 Squadron to 298 Squadron. Thanks to Leo van der Giessen for spotting this.
16.02.2023 Added Royal Air Force, Air Force Tactical Command, Part I.
06.02.2023 Updated Royal Air Force and Royal Air Force, Logistic and Training Command: revised footnote 1 on both pages.
Updated Unit Organisation and Equipment: added The Object Security Squadron and the Object Security Platoon.
Updated Unit Organisation and Equipment, The Air Force Security Squadron: minor revisions.
26.01.2023 Updated Unit Organisation and Equipment: added The Air Force Security Squadron and the Air Force Security Platoon.
26.01.2023 Updated Royal Air Force, Logistic and Training Command: minor revision to note c and corrected the strengths of the Air Force Security platoon attached to the Electronic Materiel Depot.
23.01.2023 Added Royal Air Force, Logistic and Training Command.
22.01.2023 Updated Royal Air Force: added note f and h.
17.01.2023 Updated Royal Air Force: added note f.
15.01.2023 Updated Unit Organisation and Equipment, Marine Corps Special Assistance Unit / Shore Patrol Division Netherlands: expanded footnote 2.
12.01.2023 Update
d Royal Air Force: minor addition to footnote 4.
09.01.2023 Added Royal Air Force.
09.01.2023 Updated 
Royal Navy, Naval Command Netherlands Antilles, note d: corrected 'operational command' to 'operational control'. Expanded footnote 1.
09.01.2023 Updated Royal Navy, Part I: minor expansion of note a, revised footnote 2.
06.01.2023 Updated Royal Army, 1 (NL) Corps, Light Aircraft Group: revised the number of helicopters sub Operational Role (adding machines in reserve and subtracting previous peacetime losses), added note a and footnote 5.
06.01.2023 Updated Royal Army, National Territorial Command, National Reserve Corps: expanded the last paragraph and footnotes 15 and 18.
05.01.2023 Updated Royal Army, 1 (NL) Corps, Light Aircraft Group: some further revisions.

05.01.2023 Updated Unit Organisation and Equipment, The National Reserve Platoon and 305 Commando Battalion: minor revision confirming the Bren Gun went out of use in 1988. Thanks to Thom Schimmel for pointing me to additional information. 
01.01.2023 Updated Royal Army, 1 (NL) Corps, Light Aircraft Group: revised and expanded.
01.01.2023 Updated Royal Army, National Logistic Command, Part II: revised and expanded note o, revised footnote 6.
25.04.2022 Updated Royal Navy, Naval Command Netherlands Antilles, Territorial Defence: several revisions.
24.04.2022 Updated Royal Navy, Naval Command Netherlands Antilles: added Territorial Defence.
Updated Royal Navy, Naval Command Netherlands Antilles: revised note h.
15.12.2021 Updated Unit Organisation and Equipment: revised and expanded 1 Amphibious Combat Group. Corrected all Marine Corps unit strengths to count corporals as sub-officers and made some minor amendments.
15.12.2021 Updated Royal Navy, Naval Command Netherlands: some minor amendments. Changed the translation of Marinebewakingskorps from Naval Security Corps to Naval Security Guard Corps.
15.12.2021 Updated Links.
12.12.2021 Updated Royal Navy, Naval Command Netherlands Antilles: expanded notes f, g and o, expanded footnote 5. Corrected remaining unit strengths to count corporals as sub-officers.
12.12.2021 Updated Royal Navy, Marine Corps, Part I: expanded notes c and d, revised footnotes 5 and 6. Corrected remaining unit strengths to count corporals as sub-officers.
07.12.2021 Updated Royal Navy: added Naval Command Netherlands Antilles.
07.12.2021 Updated Unit Organisation and Equipment: added The Security Detachment Netherlands Antilles.
07.12.2021 Updated Royal Navy, Marine Corps: various small revisions and some editorial changes because of the addition of Naval Command Netherlands Antilles. Several unit strengths have been corrected internally to count corporals as sub-officers; this revision is not yet complete.  
07.12.2021 Updated Royal Navy, List of Ships: minor addition to Tugboats, note c; added note b sub Diving Tenders.
14.11.2021 Updated Royal Army, Royal Military Constabulary: several additions and revisions.
09.11.2021 Updated Royal Navy, Naval Command Netherlands, Part III: Service Support (Land): expanded note j.
09.11.2021 Updated Links.
02.11.2021 Updated Royal Navy, Marine Corps, Part III and Unit Organisation and Equipment, The Security Detachment: corrected unit strength (sub-officers/enlisted).
02.11.2021 Updated Royal Army, passim: changed unit location Uddel to Nieuw Milligen.
13.10.2021 Updated Unit Organisation and Equipment, 3 Amphibious Combat Group: minor revision, see footnote 2.
13.10.2021 Updated Royal Army, National Logistic Command and 1 (NL) Corps, 12 Armoured Infantry Brigade: minor addition regarding the unit location Uddel (Nieuw Milligen). Thanks to Harold Bergers.
14.04.2021 Updated Unit Organisation and Equipment, Mixed Battalions and Company Teams: corrected an error regarding the number of antitank platoons and expanded footnote 4. Thanks to Thom Schimmel for reporting this.
14.04.2021 Updated Unit Organisation and Equipment, The Armoured Anti-Aircraft Artillery Battery: corrected an error in the organisational chart (mouseover). Thanks to Sibrand Nijhuis for reporting this.
03.02.2021 Changed the following translations, passim: Marinepatrouilles has become Shore Patrol (was Navy Patrols); Marineluchtvaartdienst has become Naval Aviation Service (was Naval Air Service); Groep Lichte Vliegtuigen has become Light Aircraft Group (was Light Aviation Group).
Updated Royal Navy, Naval Command Netherlands, Wartime Organisation: added Investigation Service and Pilotage Service.
01.02.2021 Updated Royal Navy, Naval Command Netherlands, Wartime Organisation: added Administrative Escorts.
Updated Royal Navy, Naval Command Netherlands, Part I: The Fleet (Sea): expanded Operations and Readiness.
01.02.2021 Updated Royal Navy: expanded Wartime Organisation.
27.01.2021 Updated Royal Navy, Marine Corps, United Kingdom/Netherlands Landing Force: revised naval support.
26.01.2021 Updated Royal Navy, Naval Command Netherlands: added Wartime Organisation.
26.01.2021 Updated Royal Navy, Naval Command Netherlands, Part I: The Fleet (Sea): expanded note a.
26.01.2021 Updated Royal Navy: revised Wartime Organisation (editorial changes)
26.01.2021 Updated Royal Navy: some minor amendments.
21.01.2021 Updated Royal Navy: added Wartime Organisation.
21.01.2021 Updated Royal Navy: minor addition to Land-Based Logistic Support.
20.01.2021 Updated NATO Commands: minor amendments to Formal Alert System and Counter-Surprise System and footnote 32.
18.01.2021 Updated NATO Commands: added Formal Alert System and Counter-Surprise System.
12.01.2021 Updated Royal Navy, Naval Command Netherlands, Part I: The Fleet (Sea): added Type Organisation: Integrated Support Elements.
12.01.2021 Updated Royal Navy, Naval Command Netherlands, Part I: The Fleet (Sea): revised and expanded Operations and Readiness.
12.01.2021 Updated Royal Navy, Naval Command Netherlands, Part I: The Fleet (Sea): various amendments.
12.01.2021 Updated Royal Navy, List of Ships, Torpedo Tenders: expanded note c.
12.01.2021 Updated Royal Navy: some minor revisions.
12.01.2021 Updated Regimental and Corps Affiliations: corrected the abbreviation for Eskader from ESK to EKD.
05.01.2021 Updated Royal Navy, List of Ships, Accommodation Ships: revised and expanded note a, expanded note c.
04.01.2021 Updated Royal Navy: expanded Land-Based Logistic Support.
04.01.2021 Updated Royal Navy, Naval Command Netherlands, Part I: The Fleet (Sea): revised note a, revised footnote 2.
01.01.2021 Updated Royal Navy, Naval Command Netherlands: added Part III: Service Support (Land).
01.01.2021 Updated Royal Navy, Naval Command Netherlands, Part II: The Fleet (Air): expanded notes c and g.
01.01.2021 Updated Royal Navy: added Land-Based Logistic Support.
01.01.2021 Updated Royal Navy, Part I: Organisation: revised and expanded note a, revised and expanded footnote 2.
01.01.2021 Updated Royal Navy, Marine Corps, Part III: expanded note a.
17.12.2020 Updated Preface: some minor revisions and additions.
17.12.2020 Updated Royal Navy, Part I: Organisation: expanded note a, added footnote 2.
17.12.2020 Updated Royal Navy, Naval Command Netherlands, Part II: The Fleet (Air): expanded note d; expanded footnotes 1 and 25.
26.11.2020 Updated Royal Army, 782 and 783 Medical Group: corrected links to 14 Medical Company. Thanks to Harold Bergers for spotting this.

25.08.2020 Updated Royal Navy, Part III: Aircraft: expanded note a.
24.08.2020 Updated Royal Navy, Naval Command Netherlands: added Part II: The Fleet (Air).
24.08.2020 Updated Royal Navy, Naval Command Netherlands, Part I: The Fleet (Sea): added footnote 4.
24.08.2020 Updated Royal Navy, Part III: Aircraft: minor revisions, expanded footnote 27.
22.07.2020 Updated Royal Navy: added Naval Command Netherlands, Part I: The Fleet (Sea).
22.07.2020 Updated Royal Navy: expanded Organisation.
22.07.2020 Updated NATO Commands: some revisions to Multinational Forces.
10.07.2020 Updated Introduction: minor addition to Order of Battle: Typical Page Structure.
10.07.2020 Updated Royal Navy, Marine Corps, Part III: added peace and wartime personnel strengths.
10.07.2020 Updated Royal Navy, Marine Corps, Mobilisable Reserve: corrections to personnel strengths, added footnote 41.
26.06.2020 Updated Royal Navy, List of Ships: expanded Submarines.
23.06.2020 Updated Royal Navy, Aircraft: revised notes a, c, d and footnote 24.
18.06.2020 Updated Royal Navy: added Aircraft.
18.06.2020 Updated Royal Navy, List of Ships: added Karel Doorman class frigates.
18.06.2020 Updated Royal Navy, List of Ships, Frigates: added note g.
18.06.2020 Updated Royal Army, 1 (NL) Corps Artillery: expanded footnote 16.
28.05.2020 Updated Royal Navy, List of Ships: added Light Craft.
27.05.2020 Updated Royal Navy, List of Ships: added Auxiliary Vessels.
27.05.2020 Updated Links.
05.03.2020 Updated Unit Organisation and Equipment, The Territorial Light Reconnaissance Squadron: corrected machine gun type from
Bren lmg .303 inch to M1919A4 mmg .30 inch. Thanks to Jos Horvers, former NATRES soldier 1st class, for spotting this error.
29.09.2019 Updated Royal Navy, List of Ships: added Torpedo Tenders and Diving Tenders.
25.09.2019 Updated Royal Army, Part IV: revised note b and footnote 12.
22.09.2019 Updated Royal Navy, List of Ships: added Accommodation Ships, Survey Ships and Tugboats.
22.09.2019 Updated Royal Army, Part I: revised and expanded note g and footnote 4.
15.09.2019 Updated Royal Army, Part I: expanded note g and footnote 4.
15.09.2019 Updated Royal Navy, List of Ships: added Training Ships.
11.09.2019 Updated Royal Navy, List of Ships: added Landing Craft.
11.09.2019 Updated Unit Organisation and Equipment: revised Boat Company Group.
11.09.2019 Updated Royal Army: minor revision to Part I, note g.
04.09.2019 Updated Royal Army: revised Part I, expanded note g.
04.09.2019 Updated Unit Organisation and Equipment: revised The Reconnaissance Battalion.
01.09.2019 Updated Royal Army, 1 (NL) Corps, 41 Armoured Brigade: revised Operational Role: The Corps Covering Force. Thanks to Royal Army Brigadier General J.R. Mulder (Rtd.) for pointing out that commanders, not staffs, take (operational) decisions.
01.09.2019 Updated Unit Organisation and Equipment: revised The Reconnaissance Battalion.
01.09.2019 Updated NATO Commands: revised Northern Army Group.
01.09.2019 Updated Royal Army, Corps Logistic Command, Part I: revised nota a.
Updated Royal Army, National Territorial Command, 812 Transport Group: reorganised the notes section, which was a bit of a mess. Thanks to Leo Slager of the Stichting Regimentscollectie Technische Troepen for spotting this.
25.08.2019 Updated Royal Army, Royal Military Constabulary, Part II: revised note j, expanded footnote 9, corrected footnote numbering. Recalculated total peace and wartime personnel strengths.
25.08.2019 Updated Royal Army: recalculated total peace and wartime personnel strengths.
24.08.2019 Updated Royal Army, Royal Military Constabulary: expanded Part II.
24.08.2019 Updated Royal Navy, Marine Corps, Part I, note i: minor expansion.
Updated Royal Navy, List of Ships: expanded Mine Countermeasures Vessels.
14.08.2019 Updated Royal Navy, List of Ships: added Large Patrol Craft.
13.08.2019 Updated Royal Navy, List of Ships: added Mine Countermeasures Vessels.
Updated Royal Navy, List of Ships: several minor revisions.
07.08.2019 Updated Royal Navy, List of Ships: added Underway Replenishment Ships.
Updated Royal Navy, List of Ships, Submarines: some revisions and corrections. 
06.08.2019 Updated Royal Navy, List of Ships: expanded Frigates.
06.08.2019 Updated Royal Navy, List of Ships, Submarines: revised note a.
06.08.2019 Updated Royal Navy, added footnote 6, revised footnote 7.
04.08.2019 Updated Royal Navy, List of Ships: expanded Frigates.
03.08.2019 Updated Royal Navy, List of Ships: added Frigates.
03.08.2019 Updated Royal Navy: minor addition to footnote 6 (reference).
30.07.2019 Updated Royal Navy: added List of Ships, Submarines.
15.07.2019 Updated Royal Army, Part III: added note h.
15.07.2019 Updated National Territorial Command, Part III: expanded note d.
09.07.2019 Updated Royal Military Constabulary: added Force Profile and Operational Roles.
09.07.2019 Updated Preface: expanded footnote 18.
Updated Unit Organisation and Equipment: added Special Security Assignments Brigade.
21.04.2019 Updated
Royal Military Constabulary, Part I: revised note i and footnote 5.
07.04.2019 Updated Unit Organisation and Equipment: added G Military Constabulary Squadron.
07.04.2019 Updated Royal Army,
Part IV: revised note b.
07.04.2019 Updated Royal Military Constabulary, Part I: expanded note c.
06.04.2019 Updated Royal Military Constabulary: several revisions and expansions.
Updated Royal Army: added total peace and wartime strengths (below Part V).
31.03.2019 Updated Royal Army: added Part V.
31.03.2019 Updated Royal Army, Part IV: revised note b and expanded footnote 10.
31.03.2019 Updated 101 Signal Group: changed the translation of "lijn" from "wire" to "line", as per VS 2-1392/11, Bijlage C.
24.03.2019 Updated Royal Army: added Part IV.
24.03.2019 Updated Royal Army Signal Command: minor addition to footnote 4.
17.03.2019 Updated Royal Army, Part I: added note d, several revisions.
16.03.2019 Updated Royal Army: added Part III.
16.03.2019 Updated Royal Army, Part I: expanded note a, revised note b.
16.03.2019 Revised Ministry of Defence.
12.03.2019 Updated and expanded Royal Army.
12.03.2019 Updated Ministry of Defence: for the sake of clarity the translation of "Zeestrijdkrachten","Landstrijdkrachten" and "Luchtstrijdkrachten" has been changed to "Navy", "Army" and "Air Force", rather than "Naval Forces", "Land Forces" and "Air Forces" respectively. Also applied further throughout this website.
05.03.2019 Updated Royal Military Constabulary, Part I: revised and expanded note e and expanded footnote 2.
04.03.2019 Added Royal Military Constabulary, Part II.
03.03.2019 Added Royal Military Constabulary, Part I.
27.02.2019 Updated
National Logistic Command: added Operational Role.
27.02.2019 Updated National Logistic Command: expanded Part I.
22.02.2019 A
dded 810 Transport Group.
22.02.2019 Updated North Brabant Provincial Military Command/Garrison Command: revised Part II.
22.02.2019 Updated National Logistic Command, Part I and Royal Army Signal Command: corrected "augmentation detachment" to "replacement holding detachment".
17.02.2019 Updated National Logistic Command: added Part II.
17.02.2019 Updated Light Aviation Group: added footnote 3.
03.02.2019 Updated
National Logistic Command, Part I: added note c.
02.02.2019 Added National Logistic Command, Part I.
02.02.2019 Updated
North Holland Provincial Military Command/Garrison Command, Part I: added notes g and h.
02.02.2019 Updated North Brabant Provincial Military Command/Garrison Command, Part II: added notes a, b and c.
02.02.2019 Updated Gelderland Provincial Military Command/Garrison Command, Part I: added notes g and h.
04.09.2018 Updated Preface: revised Through a glass, darkly (2) and added footnote 16.
04.09.2018 Updated Introduction: added footnote 4.

26.08.2018 Updated Marine Corps, United Kingdom/Netherlands Landing Force: improved the organisational chart regarding 45 (UK) Commando Group Royal Marines. Thanks to Platoon Sergeant A.A. Voois of the National Reserve Corps (NATRES) for suggesting this. Added footnote 28 and expanded footnote 33.
14.08.2018 Updated Army Training and Replacement Command: added Operational Role: Wartime Personnel Replacement.
14.08.2018 Updated Army Training and Replacement Command, Part I: added note b and footnote 2.
14.08.2018 Updated Royal Army Training Command, Part I: expanded note a, expanded note d (thanks to Willem Smit of the Netherlands Institute of Military History (NIMH) and Cavalry Captain J.P.A. Steenmetz (Rtd.) for identifying an abbreviation), expanded footnote 1.
14.08.2018 Updated Corps Logistic Command, Part V: expanded note j, added footnote 13.
14.08.2018 Updated Unit Organisation and Equipment, The Brigade Supply Company: revised and expanded, added footnote 6.
29.07.2018 Added Army Training and Replacement Command, Part II.
29.07.2018 Updated Royal Army Training Command: added footnote 5.
27.07.2018 Added Army Training and Replacement Command, Part I.
25.07.2018 Updated Royal Army Training Command: revised and expanded.
23.07.2018 Added Royal Army Training Command.
24.06.2018 Updated Unit Organisation and Equipment, 129 Field Artillery Battalion, Nuclear Deployed: minor amendment, see footnote 2.
21.06.2018 Updated Royal Army Medical Command: added Operational Role and Reorganisation.
21.06.2018 Revised and expanded 781, 782 and 783 Medical Group.
04.06.2018 Added 783 Medical Group.
03.06.2018 Updated 782 Medical Group: minor amendments.
03.06.2018 Updated 781 Medical Group: minor amendments.
03.06.2018 Added 782 Medical Group.
02.06.2018 Updated 781 Medical Group: corrected total wartime strength.
02.06.2018 Updated 781 Medical Group: corrected total peactime strength to nil.
02.06.2018 Updated Preface: expanded footnotes 12, 13, 14.
02.06.2018 Added 781 Medical Group, Part II.
01.06.2018 Added 781 Medical Group, Part I.
01.06.2018 Added Royal Army Medical Command.
01.06.2018 Revised and expanded Royal Army Signal Command, Part I.
Updated Royal Army Signal Command: added Operational Role.
Updated Links.
15.05.2018 Updated Royal Army Signal Command: added Part II.
13.05.2018 Added Royal Army Signal Command, Part I.
Updated Preface: expanded footones 5 and 9.
09.05.2018 Updated Mobile Columns Corps: added Reorganisations and Disbandment 1984-1993 and footnote 8.
08.05.2018 Updated Mobile Columns Corps: revised and expanded Force Profile and Operational Role.
08.05.2018 Updated Mobile Columns Corps, Part IV: added notes b to d.
07.05.2018 Updated Mobile Columns Corps: added Force Profile and Operational Role.
07.05.2018 Updated Links.
Added Mobile Columns Corps, Part IV.
05.05.2018 Added Mobile Columns Corps, Part III.
04.05.2018 Added Mobile Columns Corps, Part II.
02.05.2018 Added Mobile Columns Corps, Part I.
05.04.2018 Updated Preface: minor revisions.
04.04.2018 Added Preface.
04.04.2018 Updated Unit Organisation and Equipment: corrected and expanded The Reconnaissance Battalion. Thanks to Eric Boot for providing information on the vehicles in the staff and support squadron (which did not include, as previously stated, M113 C&Vs).
10.03.2018 Revised Introduction.
04.03.2018 Updated National Territorial Command, Gelderland Provincial Military Command/Garrison Command and 812 Transport Group: corrected "Twello" to "Teuge". Thanks to Harold Bergers for spotting this.
18.02.2018 Updated Unit Organisation and Equipment: revised and expanded The Armoured Infantry Battalion YPR-765.
13.02.2018 Updated Unit Organisation and Equipment: revised and expanded The Armoured Infantry Battalion YP-408.
09.02.2018 Updated 1 (NL) Corps Artillery: expanded footnote 11.
Updated National Territorial Command: added National Reserve Corps.
Updated National Territorial Command: minor revision to Operational Role.
08.01.2018 Updated 302 Infantry Brigade: added Operational Role.
08.01.2018 Updated 304 Infantry Brigade
: added Operational Role.
24.12.2017 Updated National Territorial Command: added map.
19.12.2017 Updated National Territorial Command: added Operational Role.
19.12.2017 Updated National Territorial Command, Part III: added note c.
27.11.2017 Updated Marine Corps: minor addition to footnote 12.
Updated Unit Organisation and Equipment: added The Quadruple Anti-Aircraft Machine Gun Platoon.
13.11.2017 Updated Unit Organisation and Equipment, The National Reserve Platoon: revised footnote 4.
13.11.2017 Updated Unit Organisation and Equipment: 305 Commando Battalion: revised footnote 2.
13.11.2017 Updated National Territorial Command, Part III: expanded note d and footnote 9.
13.11.2017 Updated National Territorial Command, Part III: added note c.
13.11.2017 Updated National Territorial Command, Part II: revised note d.
13.11.2017 Updated Corps Logistic Command: minor revision to Forward Storage Sites, revised footnote 25.
08.11.2017 Added National Territorial Command, Part III.
08.11.2017 Updated NATO Commands: revised Northern Army Group and footnotes 30 and 31.

31.10.2017 Updated Unit Organisation and Equipment, 305 Commando Battalion: revised footnotes 1 and 2.
30.10.2017 Updated Unit Organisation and Equipment: added 305 Commando Battalion.
30.10.2017 Updated 302 Infantry Brigade: expanded note g, and 304 Infantry Brigade, note h.
Updated Unit Organisation and Equipment: added The Infantry Battalion of the Territorial Infantry Brigade.
29.10.2017 Updated Unit Organisation and Equipment: amendments to The Territorial Security Infantry Battalion.
29.10.2017 Updated Unit Organisation and Equipment: revised footnote 4 of The National Reserve Platoon.
08.07.2017 Updated Unit Organisation and Equipment: added The Territorial Light Reconnaissance Squadron.
27.06.2017 Updated Unit Organisation and Equipment: added The Territorial Security Infantry Battalion.
Updated Unit Organisation and Equipment: expanded The Territorial Mobile Infantry Security Company.
18.06.2017 Updated Unit Organisation and Equipment: added The Territorial Mobile Infantry Security Company.
18.06.2017 Updated Limburg Provincial Military Command/Garrison Command: expanded footnote 1.
17.06.2017 Updated Unit Organisation and Equipment: added The Territorial Security Infantry Company.
12.06.2017 Updated Unit Organisation and Equipment: added 901 Torpedo Company.
Updated Links.
15.05.2017 Revised Northern Regional Command.
Updated Unit Organisation and Equipment: minor addition to The National Reserve Platoon.
15.05.2017 Updated Links.
13.05.2017 Updated Unit Organisation and Equipment: added The Territorial Light Security Infantry Company.
13.05.2017 Updated Unit Organisation and Equipment: added The Territorial Heavy Security Infantry Company.
13.05.2017 Updated Unit Organisation and Equipment: revised The National Reserve Platoon.
Updated Links.
Updated Unit Organisation and Equipment: revised The National Reserve Platoon and The National Reserve Company Staff.
01.05.2017 Updated Utrecht Provincial Military Command/Garrison Command: revised Part III note a and footnote 3. Also applied to Gelderland and Limburg PMC/GC.
01.05.2017 Updated 41 Armoured Brigade: revised Force Profile, expanded footnote 12, revised footnote 6, revised and expanded footnote 18.
27.04.2017 Added 460 Engineer Combat Group.
27.04.2017 Updated Unit Organisation and Equipment: minor revision to The Armoured Infantry Battalion YPR-765 (see footnote 1). Thanks to Paul Kaandorp for noting the discrepancy.
11.04.2017 Updated Unit Organisation and Equipment: added The National Reserve Platoon.
11.04.2017 Updated Unit Organisation and Equipment: added The National Reserve Company Staff.
04.04.2017 Added 812 Transport Group.
04.04.2017 Updated Corps Logistic Command: minor revisions to Part V, Reorganisations 1984-1990s, expanded footnotes 12 and 30.
04.04.2017 Updated 41 Armoured Brigade: revised footnote 18; the description of the Covering Force Area as an "indefensible pocket" does not hold up under closer inspection.
04.04.2017 Updated Links.
25.03.2017 Updated 
Gelderland Provincial Military Command/Garrison Command: corrected tabular data; incorrect locations were displayed for mobilisation centres/equipment storage (second column, mouseover function). Thanks to Harold Bergers for reporting this.  
21.03.2017 Added 304 Infantry Brigade.
14.03.2017 Added 302 Infantry Brigade.
14.03.2017 Updated Royal Army, mobilisable units, passim: corrected the standard phrase that idicates the maximum time between active-duty service and mobilisation. Previously the Short Leave period (four to six months) and the unit formation period (up to twenty-four months) had not been taken into account.
14.03.2017 Updated Corps Logistic Command, Part V: revised note a.
14.03.2017 Updated South Holland Provincial Military Command/Garrison Command, Part I: revised note a and footnote 1.
14.03.2017 Updated National Territorial Command, Part II: revised notes a and b and footnote 2.
14.03.2017 Updated Limburg Provincial Military Command/Garrison Command: several minor revisions.
11.03.2017 Updated National Territorial Command, Part II: revised notes a and b and footnote 2.
11.03.2017 Updated South Holland Provincial Military Command/Garrison Command, Part I: revised note a and added footnote 1.
07.03.2017 Updated National Territorial Command, Part II: revised note c.
07.03.2017 Updated Marine Corps: minor addition to footnote 10.
28.02.2017 Added National Territorial Command, Part II.
21.02.2017 Added North Brabant Provincial Military Command/Garrison Command, Part III.
Updated Limburg Provincial Military Command/Garrison Command: corrected total peace strength.
14.02.2017 Added North Brabant Provincial Military Command/Garrison Command, Part I and II.

24.01.2017 Added Gelderland Provincial Military Command/Garrison Command.
10.01.2017 Added Utrecht Provincial Military Command/Garrison Command.
10.01.2017 Updated Links.
07.01.2017 Updated Limburg Provincial Military Command/Garrison Command, Part III: corrected peace/war strengths.
03.01.2017 Added Overijssel Provincial Military Command/Garrison Command.
03.01.2017 Updated Limburg Provincial Military Command/Garrison Command: minor amendment to footnote 1.
25.12.2016 Added Limburg Provincial Military Command/Garrison Command.
25.12.2016 Updated the Provincial Command/Garrison Command pages sub National Territorial Command, Part I: correction in the note on NATRES company staffs.
25.12.2016 Updated 1 (NL) Corps Artillery: several minor amendments regarding dual capable artillery.
25.12.2016 Updated Links.
04.12.2016 Added Friesland Provincial Military Command/Garrison Command.
21.11.2016 Added
Groningen Provincial Military Command/Garrison Command.
21.11.2016 Added Drenthe Provincial Military Command/Garrison Command.
21.11.2016 Added Northern Regional Military Command/Garrison Command.
21.11.2016 Updated National Territorial Command and subordinate commands: amendments to unit name translations.
13.11.2016 Added Zeeland Provincial Military Command/Garrison Command.
06.11.2016 Added
South Holland Provincial Military Command/Garrison Command.
Updated Links.
30.10.2016 Added North Holland Provincial Military Command/Garrison Command.
25.10.2016 Updated 101 Military Constabulary Battalion: added note b and footnote 2.
18.10.2016 Added National Territorial Command, Part I.
17.10.2016 Updated Unit Organisation and Equipment: expanded Mixed Battalions and Company Teams.
17.10.2016 Updated Links.
11.10.2016 Updated Marine Corps: expanded Part I, note d; added footnote 6.
11.10.2016 Updated Links.
18.06.2016 Updated Marine Corps, United Kingdom/Netherlands Landing Force: minor amendments.
14.06.2016 Updated Marine Corps: added United Kingdom/Netherlands Landing Force.
14.06.2016 Updated Marine Corps, Operational Roles: minor amendments.
14.06.2016 Updated Links.
26.04.2016 Updated Marine Corps: expanded Operational Roles.
12.04.2016 Updated Unit Organisation and Equipment, Amphibious Section: minor amendments, expanded footnote 1 (added references).
11.04.2016 Updated Links.
Updated Marine Corps: added Mobilisable Reserve.
29.03.2016 Updated Unit Organisation and Equipment, 1 Amphibious Combat Group: minor addition, added footnote 12.
29.03.2016 Updated Unit Organisation and Equipment, 2 Amphibious Combat Group: minor addition, added footnote 6.
15.03.2016 Updated Links.
15.03.2016 Updated Marine Corps: added Operational Roles.
15.03.2016 Updated Unit Organisation and Equipment, 3 Amphibious Combat Group: added footnote 2.
15.03.2016 Updated Unit Organisation and Equipment: minor additions to The Brigade Supply Company.
18.01.2016 Updated Marine Corps: added Force Profile.
04.10.2015 Updated Links.
17.05.2015 Updated Unit Organisation and Equipment: added The Security Detachment.
17.05.2015 Updated Marine Corps, Part III: expanded note.
17.05.2015 Updated Marine Corps, Part I: expanded note j.
09.05.2015 Updated Unit Organisation and Equipment: added Navy Patrol Company Netherlands.
09.05.2015 Updated Unit Organisation and Equipment: revised and expanded Marine Corps Special Assistance Unit / Navy Patrols Division Netherlands.
05.05.2015 Updated Unit Organisation and Equipment: added Marine Corps Special Assistance Unit / Navy Patrols Division Netherlands.
27.04.2015 Updated Unit Organisation and Equipment: added 3 Amphibious Combat Group.
27.04.2015 Updated Marine Corps: expanded footnote 6.
27.04.2015 Updated Unit Organisation and Equipment, 2 Amphibious Combat Group: minor addition and added footnote 5.
14.04.2015 Updated Unit Organisation and Equipment: added Boat Company Group.
Updated Unit Organisation and Equipment: added 2 Amphibious Combat Group.
Updated Unit Organisation and Equipment: minor amendments to Whiskey Infantry Company and 1 Amphibious Combat Group.
30.03.2015 Updated Marine Corps: minor amendments.
23.03.2015 Updated Unit Organisation and Equipment: added Whiskey Infantry Company.
23.03.2015 Updated Unit Organisation and Equipment, 1 Amphibious Combat Group: minor amendments.
17.03.2015 Updated Unit Organisation and Equipment: added The Logistic Support Group.
17.03.2015 Updated Unit Organisation and Equipment: expanded 1 Amphibious Combat Group.
Updated Marine Corps: revised footnote 7.
10.03.2015 Updated Unit Organisation and Equipment: added 1 Amphibious Combat Group.
23.02.2015 Updated Unit Organisation and Equipment: added the Amphibious Section.
23.02.2015 Updated Marine Corps, Part II: minor corrections to the personnel strengths of Marine Barracks Savaneta and the Marine Detachment at Naval Barracks Vlissingen.
15.02.2015 Added Marine Corps, Part III.
15.02.2015 Updated Marine Corps, Part II: revised note i and j, added notes k and l, expanded footnote 16.
15.02.2015 Updated Links: Netherlands Armed Forces, Online Publications, and Videos.
10.02.2015 Added Marine Corps, Part II.
10.02.2015 Updated Marine Corps, 
Part I: expanded note c, minor addition to note d, expanded footnotes 1, 5 and 9.
27.01.2015 Added Marine Corps, Part I.
01.01.2015 Added Royal Navy page.
08.12.2014 Updated Unit Organisation and Equipment: expanded 53 Light Reconnaissance Battalion (minor addition to unit role description).
30.11.2014 Updated Ministry of Defence: several revisions.
24.11.2014 Updated Command of Netherlands Troops in Seedorf, Hohne, Langemannshof: page revised and expanded.
24.11.2014 Updated Regimental and Corps Affiliations: some revisions and minor additions.
13.11.2014 Updated NATO Commands: revised most of the content and added a map of the NORTHAG area of responsibility.
Updated 1 (NL) Corps: expanded footnote 21.
28.10.2014 Updated Unit Organisation and Equipment, Mixed Battalions and Company Teams: minor amendments, and revised footnotes 4 and 6.
21.10.2014 Updated Unit Organisation and Equipment: added Mixed Battalions and Company Teams.
21.10.2014 Updated 1 (NL) Corps: expanded footnote 31 (added references).
30.09.2014 Updated Links.
30.09.2014 Updated 102 Medical Group: revised and expanded Operational Role.
23.09.2014 Updated 102 Medical Group: revised Operational Role, expanded footnote 4 (added reference).
21.09.2014 Updated 1 (NL) Corps: minor addition to Operational Role, expanded footnote 18 (added reference), and minor amendment to footnote 31.
21.09.2014 Updated 41 Armoured Brigade: minor addition to Operational Role and expanded footnote 18.
16.09.2014 Updated Corps Logistic Command: added note a to Part I and added footnote 1.
16.09.2014 Updated 101 Infantry Brigade: revised Operational Role, revised and expanded footnote 3, deleted footnote 4.
16.09.2014 Updated 101 Military Constabulary Battalion: revised footnote 3.
16.09.2014 Updated 41 Armoured Brigade: expanded footnote 11.
16.09.2014 Updated 1 (NL) Corps: expanded footnote 19.
16.09.2014 Updated Links.
09.09.2014 Updated 41 Armoured Brigade: expanded footnote 14 (added reference).
09.09.2014 Updated Unit Organisation and Equipment, The Tank Battalion (old organisation): expanded footnote 5.
09.09.2014 Updated Unit Organisation and Equipment, The Tank Battalion of the Armoured Brigade: added footnote 4.
09.09.2014 Updated Unit Organisation and Equipment, The Reconnaissance Battalion: expanded footnote 6, deleted footnote 8.
09.09.2014 Updated 42 Armoured Infantry Brigade: revised footnote 2.
02.09.2014 Updated Ministry of Defence: corrected the organisational chart regarding the members of the Defence Council.
02.09.2014 Updated Unit Organisation and Equipment: expanded 53 Light Reconnaissance Battalion.
01.09.2014 Updated 41 Armoured Brigade, Operational Role: The Corps Covering Force: some minor amendments to the text and the organisational charts, added footnote 15.
25.08.2014 Updated Unit Organisation and Equipment: added The Brigade Staff and Staff Company.
18.08.2014 Updated Unit Organisation and Equipment, The Diver Platoon: minor amendments.
18.08.2014 Updated Unit Organisation and Equipment: added The Brigade Medical Company.
12.08.2014 Updated Unit Organisation and Equipment: added The Brigade Repair Company.
12.08.2014 Updated Unit Organisation and Equipment, The Brigade Supply Company: minor amendment and added footnote 4.
12.08.2014 Updated Unit Organisation and Equipment: expanded footnote 3 of the introductory section.
05.08.2014 Updated 1 (NL) Corps Artillery: expanded footonte 7.
05.08.2014 Updated 101 Engineer Combat Group: expanded footnote 13.
25.07.2014 Updated Corps Logistic Command, Operational Role: minor amendments.
25.07.2014 Updated Unit Organisation and Equipment: revised The Diver Platoon.
25.07.2014 Updated 101 Engineer Combat Group: expanded note i, revised footnote 10 and added footnote 13; revised Atomic Demolition Munitions.
25.07.2014 Updated 1 (NL) Corps Artillery: expanded footnotes 7 and 17.
22.07.2014 Updated 1 (NL) Corps Artillery: revised notes l, o and p, footnotes 10 and 14, added footnote 17. Added a planning and execution chart to the Dual Capable Artillery section.
22.07.2014 Updated Unit Organisation and Equipment: revised 19 Field Artillery Battalion, Nuclear Deployed, 129 Field Artillery Battalion, Nuclear Deployed, 425 and 434 Mobile Security Infantry Company and 436 and 437 Mobile Security Infantry Company.
21.07.2014 Updated Unit Organisation and Equipment: added The Diver Platoon.
21.07.2014 Updated 101 Engineer Combat Group: added note h.
21.07.2014 Updated 41 Armoured Brigade: expanded footnote 12, corrected footnote 15.
18.05.2014 Updated Unit Organisation and Equipment: translated the Dutch military term "toolset" as "workshop".
13.05.2014 Updated Unit Organisation and Equipment: added The Brigade Supply Company.
13.05.2014 Updated Unit Organisation and Equipment: expanded The Armoured Engineer Company.
05.05.2014 Updated Corps Logistic Command, Reorganisations 1984-1990s: minor amendment to the description of the old ammunition supply system, expanded footnote 26 (references).
28.04.2014 Updated Unit Organisation and Equipment: added 436 and 437 Mobile Security Infantry Company.
28.04.2014 Updated Unit Organisation and Equipment: expanded The Armoured Infantry Battalion YPR-765.
28.04.2014 Updated Unit Organisation and Equipment: revised the introductory section.
22.04.2014 Updated Unit Organisation and Equipment: added a word on unit personnel strengths in the introductory section, and made minor adjustments accordingly.
22.04.2014 Updated 101 Engineer Combat Group: revised Atomic Demolition Munitions and expanded footnote 14.
21.04.2014 Updated Unit Organisation and Equipment: added 425 and 434 Mobile Security Infantry Company.
21.04.2014 Updated Unit Organisation and Equipment, 19 Field Artillery Battalion, Nuclear Deployed: expanded footnotes 3 and 4.
21.04.2014 Updated Unit Organisation and Equipment, 129 Field Artillery Battalion, Nuclear Deployed: deleted footnote 4, expanded footnotes 5 and 7.
21.04.2014 Updated 1 (NL) Corps Artillery: revised and expanded Dual Capable Artillery, made minor amendments to notes o and p, expanded footnote 16, added footnotes 17 to 22.
12.04.2014 Updated 1 (NL) Corps, Part III: re-added 101 Signal Group to the tabular data where it had been deleted by accident. Thanks to Maurits de Jong for spotting this.
08.04.2014 Updated 1 (NL) Corps Artillery, Dual Capable Artillery: corrected the first sentence referring to the wrong notes.
22.03.2014 Updated 101 Military Constabulary Battalion: added note e, made minor amendments.
22.03.2014 Updated 101 Signal Group: added footnote 12.
18.03.2014 Updated Light Aviation Group: added note a, made minor amendments.
11.03.2014 Updated 1 (NL) Corps: reorganised the page, added total strengths, made some minor amendments. Over the coming time total strengths will be added where applicable.
02.03.2014 Updated 101 Signal Group: added map, made minor amendments.
25.02.2014 Updated 101 Signal Group: expanded Operational Role; the Corps Area Communications System and ZODIAC.
25.02.2014 Updated 101 Signal Group: revised note m, deleted footnote 7, revised footnote 3, added footnote 11, expanded footnote 12 (added references).
25.02.2014 Updated Unit Organisation and Equipment, The Tank Battalion of the Armoured Brigade: specified the armoured recovery vehicle type used, expanded footnote 1 (added references).
25.02.2014 Updated Unit Organisation and Equipment, The Tank Battalion of the Armoured Infantry Brigade: ibid.
25.02.2014 Updated Unit Organisation and Equipment, The Tank Battalion (old organisation): expanded footnotes 1 and 2.  
25.02.2014 Updated 1 (NL) Corps Artillery: repaired broken external link in footnote 3.
11.02.2014 Updated 101 Anti-Aircraft Artillery Group: added Operational Role.
11.02.2014 Updated 101 Anti-Aircraft Artillery Group: added The Introduction of the Stinger, 1985-1987.
11.02.2014 Updated 101 Anti-Aircraft Artillery Group: added, revised and expanded several notes and footnotes to include new data on the introduction of the Stinger.
11.02.2014 Updated Unit Organisation and Equipment: revised and expanded The Anti-Aircraft Artillery Battery.
11.02.2014 Updated Unit Organisation and Equipment: added The Anti-Aircraft Artillery Battery (old organisation).
07.01.2014 Updated Corps Logistic Command: added the map 1 (NL) Corps Sector: Supply, 1985.
07.01.2014 Updated Corps Logistic Command: reorganised Forward Storage Sites and several footnotes.
07.01.2014 Updated Corps Logistic Command, Part V: revised note i.
03.01.2014 Updated 102 Medical Group: revised Operational Role.
03.01.2014 Updated 102 Medical Group, Part I: revised note d, deleted note j.
03.01.2014 Updated 102 Medical Group, Part III: revised notes a and b.
03.01.2014 Updated 102 Medical Group: deleted footnote 3.
01.01.2014 Updated 102 Medical Group, Part I: revised notes c, h and i.
01.01.2014 Updated Corps Logistic Command, Part II: revised notes d and h.
01.01.2014 Updated Corps Logistic Command, Part III: revised notes a and g; deleted note l.
01.01.2014 Updated Corps Logistic Command, Part IV: revised note g.
01.01.2014 Updated Corps Logistic Command, Part V: added note j.
01.01.2014 Updated Corps Logistic Command: expanded footnote 7.
29.12.2013 Updated 1 (NL) Corps Artillery: revised note f, expanded footnotes 3 and 4, corrected errors in the footnote numbering.
29.12.2013 Updated Unit Organisation and Equipment, The Armoured Infantry Battalion YP-408: added footnote 2.
28.12.2013 Updated 52 Armoured Infantry Brigade: revised nota a and footnote 2.
28.12.2013 Updated 53 Armoured Infantry Brigade: revised note a and footnote 1.
28.12.2013 Updated 51 Armoured Brigade: revised notes a, e, g, h, i, deleted footnote 4, revised footnote 1.
28.12.2013 Updated 101 Infantry Brigade: revised notes a, g, j, deleted footnote 3, revised footnote 1.
28.12.2013 Updated 1 (NL) Corps: revised note f and footnote 8.
26.12.2013 Updated Unit Organisation and Equipment: corrected two (typographical) errors in the introductory paragraphs "Armament" and "Vehicles".
26.12.2013 Updated 1 (NL) Corps Artillery: added notes a, b, g, h, expanded note c; added footnote 2, deleted footnote 12, revised footnotes 1 and 13.
17.12.2013 Updated 102 Medical Group, Organisational Obsolescence: minor amendments.
17.12.2013 Updated 102 Medical Group, Part III: corrected an error in the organisational chart which displayed the staff and support companies as staff and support detachements.
10.12.2013 Updated 102 Medical Group: added Operational Role, Organisational Obsolesence and Reorganisation 1988-1992.
10.12.2013 Updated Corps Logistic Command: minor addition to Reorganisations 1984-1990s.
26.11.2013 Updated Links.
06.08.2013 Updated 1 (NL) Corps: revised and expanded Operational Corps and Divisional Command Structures and Corps Sector and Planned Defensive Operations, expanded footnote 16.
06.08.2013 Updated 101 Infantry Brigade: revised and expanded footnotes 5 and 6.
06.08.2013 Updated Corps Logistic Command: revised Reorganisations 1984-1990s.
Updated Corps Logistic Command: revised footnote 24.
29.07.2013 Updated Corps Logistic Command: expanded footnote 24.
27.07.2013 Updated 1 (NL) Corps: re-added the corps support battalions to the chart displaying possible wartime configurations for 1 and 4 Division, as I found that Corps Logistic Support units could indeed be placed under divisional command. See Corps Logistic Command, Operational Role.
Updated Corps Logistic Command: added Operational Role, Forward Storage Sites and Reorganisations 1984-1990s.
27.07.2013 Updated Corps Logistic Command: expanded footnote 6 (added reference).
27.07.2013 Updated Corps Logistic Command, Part IV: revised note h.
Updated 1 (NL) Corps: revised footnotes 9 and 29.
11.07.2013 Updated 1 (NL) Corps, Maldeployment: revised the Forward Storage Sites paragraph (third bullet), revised footnote 29.
09.07.2013 Updated 1 (NL) Corps, Maldeployment: revised the rail transport plan paragraph (second bullet), correcting the initial number of special flatcars from 100 to 75, expanded footnote 28.
09.07.2013 Updated 1 (NL) Corps: removed the corps support battalions from the chart displaying possible wartime configurations for 1 and 4 Division, as I found that these battalions would not be placed under divisional command: being tactical only, the divisional level was not part of the logistical chain. Hoffenaar en Schoenmaker, Met de blik, 236. Roos, Van marketentster, 326. Roozenbeek, In dienst, 169.
01.07.2013 Updated
102 Medical Group, Part III: minor amendments to note b and footnote 4.
01.07.2013 Updated 42 Armoured Infantry Brigade: added footnote 2.
Updated Unit Organisation and Equipment: deleted footnote 2 of The Armoured Infantry Battalion YP-408.
17.06.2013 Added Links page.
11.06.2013 Updated Unit Organisation and Equipment, 104 Observation and Reconnaissance Company: added all vehicles (as per 1980; see footnote 2).
09.06.2013 1 (NL) Corps is now complete (but not quite finished; several amendments will be forthcoming).
09.06.2013 Added 102 Medical Group, Part III.
09.06.2013 Added sitemap.
02.06.2013 Updated Unit Organisation and Equipment: minor amendments to The Armoured Engineer Company.
02.06.2013 Passim: changed the translation of staf, staf- en verzorging from 'staff and service support' to 'staff and support'. This applies to most battalion-level command elements (i.e. HQ companies).
02.06.2013 Added 102 Medical Group, Part II.
28.05.2013 Added 102 Medical Group, Part I.
20.05.2013 Updated Corps Logistic Command: added Part V.
20.05.2013 Updated Corps Logistic Command, Part II: expanded notes f and g, added footnotes 2 to 6.
20.05.2013 Updated Corps Logistic Command, Part I: revised note c and g, expanded notes h, j and k.
20.05.2013 Updated Unit Organisation and Equipment, The Tank Battalion (old organisation): added footnote 4.
20.05.2013 Updated Unit Organisation and Equipment: minor amendments to 101 Artillery Survey Battalion, The Armoured Engineer Company and The Engineer Battalion.
12.05.2013 Updated Unit Organisation and Equipment: revised The Brigade Reconnaissance Platoon and  The Reconnaissance Platoon of the Tank/
Armoured Infantry Battalion.
12.05.2013 Updated Command of Netherlands Troops in Seedorf, Hohne, Langemannshof: revised footnote 1 and added reference.
11.05.2013 Corrected an error on various pages where the RIM period was erroneously given as twenty months instead of fourteen to sixteen months (only for RIM units filled by active-duty units without a Short Leave component the RIM period would last twenty months, the Short Leave period being added to the RIM period. See for instance 51 Armoured Brigade, note c and footnote 6).
11.05.2013 Updated 51 Armoured Brigade: expanded footnote 6.
11.05.2013 Updated 43 Armoured Infantry Brigade: expanded footnote 2.
11.05.2013 Updated 42 Armoured Infantry Brigade: expanded footnote 3.
11.05.2013 Updated 101 Anti-Aircraft Artillery Group: added footnote 6.
10.05.2013 Updated Unit Organisation and Equipment: expanded the three tank battalion sections with a word on the tank platoon organisation in combat.
07.05.2013 Updated Corps Logistic Command: added Part IV.
07.05.2013 Updated Corps Logistic Command: changed various unit names, choosing more literal translations.
30.04.2013 Updated Corps Logistic Command: added Part III.
30.04.2013 Updated 1 (NL) Corps: expanded footnote 29.
28.04.2013 Updated 101 Infantry Brigade: corrected an error which caused incorrect data to be displayed in the 'peace strength' column (tabular data, mouseover function).
21.04.2013 Updated Corps Logistic Command: added Part II.
15.04.2013 Added Corps Logistic Command, Part I.
15.04.2013 Updated 41 Armoured Brigade: amended the translation of materieelverzorgingspeloton from 'maintenance platoon' to 'materiel support platoon' and simplified the translation of the somewhat cumbersome designation 125 Herstelcompagnie Legerkorpsverzorgingsbataljon from '125 Corps Support Repair Company' to '125 Repair Company'; minor amendments to notes d and f.
14.04.2013 Updated 101 Anti-Aircraft Artillery Group: revised note i, added footnote 8.
09.04.2013 Updated 1 (NL) Corps: amendments to the Maldeployment section, added footnote 25.
02.04.2013 Updated Unit Organisation and Equipment: revised footnote 2 of The Armoured Infantry Battalion YP-408.
02.04.2013 Updated 1 (NL) Corps: revised footnote 30.
26.03.2013 Updated 101 Signal Group: minor amendments.
24.03.2013 Updated Unit Organisation and Equipment: minor amendments to The Tank Battalion (old organisation).
19.03.2013 Updated Unit Organisation and Equipment: added The Engineer Battalion.
19.03.2013 Updated Unit Organisation and Equipment: minor amendments to The Armoured Engineer Company and added footnote 2 there.
17.03.2013 Updated 101 Engineer Combat Group: some revisions, mainly editorial.
12.03.2013 Updated 101 Engineer Combat Group: added note a, expanded note f and footnote 7 (added reference), expanded footnote 9, added Operational Role and Atomic Demolition Munitions sections, several minor amendments.
12.03.2013 Added 201 Engineer Combat Group.
10.03.2013 Updated 1 (NL) Corps: amended note f, deleting the sentence on predesignated regulars and reserve officers joining the unit on mobilisation; this to avoid the impression that this arrangement was specific to the unit in question, whereas it applied to all mobilisable units.
10.03.2013 Updated 51 Armoured Brigade: amended note a, ibid.
10.03.2013 Updated 52 Armoured Infantry Brigade: amended note a, ibid.
10.03.2013 Updated 53 Armoured Infantry Brigade: amended note a, ibid.
10.03.2013 Updated 101 Infantry Brigade: amended note a, ibid.
05.03.2013 Updated 1 (NL) Corps: amended footnote 23 (added reference).
03.03.2013 Updated 41 Armoured Brigade: amendments to the Covering Force section (notably correcting the misconception that the covering force would have up to forty-eight hours to deploy); added footnote 12, revised/expanded footnotes 4, 13, 15 and 16; several minor amendments.
26.02.2013 Updated 1 (NL) Corps: added Maldeployment section, with map; added footnotes 19 to 32; several minor amendments.
19.02.2013 Updated Command of Netherlands Troops in Seedorf, Hohne, Langemannshof (minor amendments).
29.01.2013 Updated 1 (NL) Corps: revised the corps sector map and the Planned Defensive Operations section, expanded notes (a) to (d), added footnotes 2 and 14, expanded footnote 12, revised footnote 13 and expanded footnotes 15, 16 and 19 (added references).
29.01.2013 Updated 41 Armoured Brigade: added note (a), added footnotes 1 and 11, revised footnote 8.
21.01.2013 Added 101 Engineer Combat Group.
21.01.2013 Updated 42 Armoured Infantry Brigade: added note (a), expanded note (d) and added footnotes 1 and 6.
08.01.2013 Updated Unit Organisation and Equipment: added the treadway bridge as probable equipment of The Reconnaissance Battalion and added footnote 2 there.
08.01.2013 Updated Unit Organisation and Equipment: expanded footnote 5 of the 104 Observation and Reconnaissance Company section (added external link to an army information film).
08.01.2013 Updated 41 Armoured Brigade: revised the Covering Force section (including organisational charts and footnotes) after reexamining the available information.
29.12.2012 Updated 1 (NL) Corps: amended notes (a) and (b), added footnotes 1 and 2, and amended and expanded footnote 10.
29.12.2012 Updated Light Aviation Group: minor amendments to the descriptive paragraph and footnote 2.
29.12.2012 Updated 101 Signal Group: corrected footnote 2 (deleted incorrect reference).
29.12.2012 Updated 101 Military Constabulary Battalion: expanded footnote 3 (added reference).
29.12.2012 Updated 101 Anti-Aircraft Artillery Group: corrected footnote 3 (deleted incorrect reference).
26.08.2012 Updated Unit Organisation and Equipment page: amended The Light Anti-Aircraft Artillery Battalion (developments after 1985) and added footnote 5 there.
26.08.2012 Updated 101 Anti-Aircraft Artillery Group: amended note (i) and added footnote 7.
26.08.2012 Updated 1 (NL) Corps Artillery: corrected an error in note (c): replaced "118 Field Artillery Battalion" with "108 Field Artillery Battalion".
26.08.2012 Updated 101 Signal Group: amended note (m) and footnote 7.
26.08.2012 Updated 51 Armoured Brigade: amended note (i) and added footnote 4.
26.08.2012 Updated 101 Infantry Brigade: amended note (j) and footnote 3.
26.08.2012 Updated 1 (NL) Corps: added note (c), expanded note (d) and (e) and added footnotes 2 and 16.
26.08.2012 Updated 1 (NL) Corps Artillery: expanded footnote 3 (added reference).
26.08.2012 Updated 52 Armoured Infantry Brigade: corrected note (e) regarding the filling of 52 Tank Battalion (mobilisable) and added footnote 5.
26.08.2012 Updated Unit Organisation and Equipment page: corrected personnel strengths of the Leopard 1-equipped Tank Battalion (old organisation) and added footnote 3 there.
26.08.2012 Updated Unit Organisation and Equipment page: added authorised personnel strengths for the Leopard 1V-equipped Tank Battalion of the Armoured Infantry Brigade, and revised footnote 2 and added footnote 3 there.
26.08.2012 Updated Unit Organisation and Equipment page: revised footnote 2 of the The Armoured Infantry Battalion YP-408 section.
21.08.2012 Added a word on recommended web browsers near the bottom of this page and in the Introduction.
21.08.2012 Updated the Sources page: reorganised categories and improved archival references.
12.08.2012 Updated Unit Organisation and Equipment page: added The Infantry Battalion of the Infantry Brigade.
12.08.2012 Updated 101 Infantry Brigade: minor amendment to the reorganisation section.
12.08.2012 Updated 1 (NL) Corps: added notes (b) and (c) and footnotes 1 and 2.
12.08.2012 Updated 41 Armoured Brigade: expanded note (a) and added footnote 1.
05.08.2012 Added 101 Infantry Brigade.
05.08.2012 Updated Unit Organisation and Equipment page: minor amendments to The Field Artillery Battalion M114A1 regarding 54 Field Artillery Battalion; updated footnote 2.
05.08.2012 Updated Unit Organisation and Equipment page: added a word on 1 (NL) Corps Area of Intelligence Responsibility in the 104 Observation and Reconnaissance Company section; added footnote 4 there.
30.07.2012 Updated 101 Signal Group: added a section on the ZODIAC communications system. Some additions and minor amendments.
24.07.2012 Updated 101 Signal Group: added possible deployment scheme.
17.07.2012 Updated 101 Signal Group: added a section on the corps area communications system.
10.07.2012 Added 101 Signal Group.
03.07.2012 Updated Unit Organisation and Equipment page: added The Armoured Engineer Company.
03.07.2012 Updated 41 Armoured Brigade: expanded footnote 3 (added reference).
03.07.2012 Updated Unit Organisation and Equipment page: added LAWs to 101 Artillery Survey Battalion, corrected LAW numbers for The Field Artillery Battalion M110A2 / M107 and 19 Field Artillery Battalion, Nuclear Deployed. Minor amendments to the artillery units.
24.06.2012 Updated 1 (NL) Corps Artillery: reorganised the organisational chart, in the course of which several notes and footnotes got renumbered; made some minor amendments.
24.06.2012 Updated Unit Organisation and Equipment page: minor amendments to 101 Artillery Survey Battalion (last paragraph) and added footnote 6.
12.06.2012 Updated Unit Organisation and Equipment page: added 129 Field Artillery Battalion, Nuclear Deployed.
12.06.2012 Updated Unit Organisation and Equipment page: added LAWs to the artillery battalion sections.
12.06.2012 Updated Unit Organisation and Equipment page: minor amendment to 19 Field Artillery Battalion, nuclear deployed regarding units under command during nuclear deployment.
12.06.2012 Updated Unit Organisation and Equipment page: minor amendment to The Field/Horse Artillery Battalion M109A2/A3; added M109 vehicle armament.
12.06.2012 Updated 1 (NL) Corps Artillery: expanded footnote 13 (added reference).
12.06.2012 Updated Unit Organisation and Equipment page: corrected an omission in The Tank Battalion (old organisation) section; the tank group in the staff and service support company was not mentioned in the descriptive text.
12.06.2012 Updated Unit Organisation and Equipment page: expanded the introductory Armament paragraph and added footnote 1 there. Also minor amendments to footnote 5.
04.06.2012 Renamed the Commander-in-Chief Land Forces page Royal Army and adjusted the contents section above accordingly.
04.06.2012 Updated NATO Commands: minor amendments to the organisational chart and footnotes 20 and 21.
03.06.2012 Updated 101 Military Constabulary Battalion: added note (a), amended footnote 1.
29.05.2012 Updated Unit Organisation and Equipment page: minor amendment to 19 Field Artillery Battalion, nuclear deployed; at this moment I'm not certain whether it was the (Dutch) assemblage and transport group or the US detachment that would assemble and adjust the nuclear artillery shell(s), so I'm leaving that open until reliable data on this comes forth.
28.05.2012 Updated Unit Organisation and Equipment page: amendments to the the reconnaissance platoon of the tank/armoured infantry battalion;  corrected organisation and expanded footnote 1 (added reference).
28.05.2012 Updated Unit Organisation and Equipment page: minor amendments to the armoured infantry battalion YP-408
28.05.2012 Updated Unit Organisation and Equipment page: minor amendments to the armoured infantry battalion YPR-765. Added footnote 3.
28.05.2012 Updated Unit Organisation and Equipment page: minor amendments to the armoured antitank company. Added footnote 3.
28.05.2012 Updated Light Aviation Group: added footnote 1.
28.05.2012 Updated Unit Organisation and Equipment page: various organisation charts redrawn to improve clarity and consistency. Stringently applied the rules for Dutch military abbreviations to the organisational charts (mouseover function), following VS 2-1120/2 (1989).
27.05.2012 Updated 41 Armoured Brigade: expanded footnote 8.
27.05.2012 Updated Unit Organisation and Equipment page: added footnote 2 to the field artillery battalion M114A1.
22.05.2012 Updated Unit Organisation and Equipment page: added FADACs to the artillery organisation types concerned.
22.05.2012 Updated Unit Organisation and Equipment page: added 19 Field Artillery Battalion, nuclear deployed.
19.05.2012 Updated Unit Organisation and Equipment page: added 101 Artillery Survey Battalion.
19.05.2012 Updated 1 (NL) Corps Artillery: corrected "23 (KL) US Detachement" to "23 KL (US) Detachement" in note (g).
19.05.2012 Updated Unit Organisation and Equipment page: minor amendment to 53 Light Reconnaissance Battalion (armament); added footnote 2 to that section.
19.05.2012 Updated Unit Organisation and Equipment page: added a few words on the presence of LAWs in the introductory Armament paragraph and added footnote 1 there.
15.04.2012 Updated Unit Organisation and Equipment page: added the field artillery battalion M110A2 / M107 and the field artillery battalion M114A1.
08.04.2012 Updated Unit Organisation and Equipment page: added the light anti-aircraft artillery battalion.
01.04.2012 Updated Unit Organisation and Equipment page: added the armoured anti-aircraft artillery battery.
01.04.2012 Updated 101 Anti-Aircraft Artillery Group: added Stinger to the main equipment in the tabular data. Expanded note (j) and footnote 4.
01.04.2012 Updated Unit Organisation and Equipment page: several amendments, notably in the tank battalion and reconnaissance unit sections.
01.04.2012 Updated 41 Armoured Brigade: corrected footnote 1 (changed "Royal Army" for "1 (NL) Corps").
20.03.2012 Updated 1 (NL) Corps Artillery: expanded footnote 17 (added reference).
18.03.2012 Updated 41 Armoured Brigade: expanded footnote 1 (added reference).
06.03.2012 Updated 101 Anti-Aircraft Artillery Group: added note (j) and specified anti-aircraft artillery gun type 40L70 as Bofors 40L70.
06.03.2012 Updated the brigade pages: specified tank type Centurion as Centurion Mk 5/2 and self-propelled howitzer type M109 as M109A2/A3.
06.03.2012 Updated 41 Armoured Brigade: corrected footnotes 4 and 5.
04.03.2012 Added 1 (NL) Corps Artillery.
27.02.2012 Updated 1 (NL) Corps: added 103 Field Artillery Group as part of a possible configuration of 1 Division (in the Corps and Divisional Command Structure section). Expanded footnote 5 (added book reference).
26.02.2012 Updated 1 (NL) Corps: minor amendments to the Corps and Divisional Command Structure section.
26.02.2012 Updated NATO Commands: amended the NAEWF paragraph (in the Multinational Forces section) regarding command rotation; idem for footnote 15. Expanded footnote 26. Further minor amendments.
31.01.2012 Updated Unit Organisation and Equipment page: expanded the Reconnaissance Battalion section (alternative organisations).
23.01.2012 Added 101 Anti-Aircraft Artillery Group.
17.01.2012 Updated Unit Organisation and Equipment page: added 53 Light Reconnaissance Battalion. Minor amendments to 104 Observation and Reconnaissance Company (personal armament).
10.01.2012 Updated 101 Military Constabulary Battalion: minor amendments.
10.01.2012 Updated the remaining brigades: minor (generic) amendments.
09.01.2012 Updated 1 (NL) Corps: added note (c).
09.01.2012 Updated 51 Armoured Brigade: added notes (a) and (h), corrected note (g), updated footnote 4. Some (minor) generic amendments.
09.01.2012 Updated 52 Armoured Infantry Brigade: added notes (a), (h) and (i), updated footnotes 5 and 6. Some (minor) generic amendments.
09.01.2012 Updated 53 Armoured Infantry Brigade: added note (a), updated footnote 3.
08.01.2012 Added 53 Armoured Infantry Brigade. this page features some (minor) generic amendments that will be retrofitted to the other brigade pages over the coming days or weeks.
03.01.2012 Added 12 Armoured Infantry Brigade.
27.12.2011 Updated 52 Armoured Infantry Brigade: revised the tank battalion data, notably regarding the planning and progress of the reorganisation.
27.12.2011 Updated 42 Armoured Infantry Brigade: revised the tank battalion data, notably regarding the planning and progress of the reorganisation.
27.12.2011 Updated 11 Armoured Infantry Brigade: revised the tank battalion data, notably regarding the planning and progress of the reorganisation. Corrected the regimental abbreviation of 12 Armoured Infantry Battalion.
24.12.2011 Updated Unit Organisation and Equipment page: (minor) amendments to the tank battalion sections.
22.12.2011 Added 43 Armoured Brigade.
22.12.2011 Updated 51 Armoured Brigade: revised the tank battalion data, notably regarding the planning and progress of the reorganisation.
22.12.2011 Updated 13 Armoured Brigade: revised the tank battalion data, notably regarding the planning and progress of the reorganisation.
22.12.2011 Updated Unit Organisation and Equipment page: corrected an error in footnote 3 of the 'tank battalion of the armoured brigade' section.
21.12.2011 Updated Unit Organisation and Equipment page: corrected the translation of staf, staf- en verzorgingscompagnie to 'staff and service support company' (previously incorrectly labeled 'staff and staff support company') and applied the appropriate unit symbol in the organisational charts. Brought the section titles more in line with those used in Dutch field manuals. Completely revised the tank battalion sections, as I found it to be necessary to draw up a more comprehensive account of the then ongoing reorganisation of the tank battalions, even though the most apparent result of these in terms of unit organisation, the addition of a fourth tank squadron to the tank battalions of the armoured infantry brigades, did not come into effect before 1986. Over the coming weeks the brigade pages will be updated accordingly. Updated the 'reconnaissance platoon of the tank and armoured infantry battalion' section (previously labeled 'battalion reconnaissance platoon') (minor amendments). Updated the 'field and horse artillery battalion M109A2/A3' section (corrections regarding the organisation of the staff and service support battery).
21.12.2011 Updated 51 Armoured Brigade: augmented note (c).
21.12.2011 Updated 1 (NL) Corps page: revised footnote 4 (pagenumbers).
12.12.2011 Updated Unit Organisation and Equipment page: minor amendments to the Reconnaissance Battalion section. Added a magazine article reference to the 104 Observation and Reconnaissance Company section (footnote 2).
12.12.2011 Updated 1 (NL) Corps page: revised the Corps and Divisional Command Structures section and expanded footnote 3.
11.12.2011 Updated 51 Armoured Brigade: added footnote 6.
11.12.2011 Updated 41 Armoured Brigade: added note (c), expanded footnote 7. Made minor amendments.
06.12.2011 Added 51 Armoured Brigade.
05.12.2011 Updated NATO Commands: expanded the NORTHAG section., amended footnote 13.
05.12.2011 Added site search engine (Picosearch).
29.11.2011 Updated
Unit Organisation and Equipment page: added footnote 6 to the field/horse artillery battalion M109A2/A3 section, with thanks to Major D. van Zuidam (Rtd) of the Netherlands Artillery Museum in 't Harde. Also revised footnotes 2, 3 and 4 of that section.
29.11.2011 Updated NATO Commands: corrected errors in footnotes 16 and 17.
27.11.2011 Updated
NATO Commands: page revised and expanded.
22.11.2011 Added NATO Commands.
Updated Unit Organisation and Equipment page: added the field/horse artillery battalion M109A2/A3.
12.11.2011 Updated the
unit symbols page. From now on updates to the unit symbols page will no longer be reported here; new symbols will be added as they appear in the organisational charts.
06.11.2011 Updated Unit Organisation and Equipment page: added the brigade reconnaissance platoon and the battalion reconnaissance platoon. Made minor amendments to the reconnaissance battalion section (staff and staff support company and footnote 1). Updated footnote 3 of the Tank Battalion Leopard 2 / Leopard 1V section. Applied official designations to YPR-765 and YP-408 types. Added an introductory word on the numbers of vehicles mentioned. Removed all superfluous annotations to NIMH 430 Slagorde KL 1985 as per what is said in the Introduction sub Main Sources.
01.11.2011 Updated Unit Organisation and Equipment page: made amendments to the armoured antitank company section.
31.10.2011 Updated Unit Organisation and Equipment page: added the armoured antitank company and made some minor amendments in the organisational charts (staff units).
31.10.2011 Updated the
unit symbols page (minor amendments).
30.10.2011 Corrected an error on the unit symbols page that labelled the telex symbol as "fax".
29.10.2011 Updated 41 Armoured Brigade: added note (a), revised footnote 7.
29.10.2011 Updated
52 Armoured Infantry Brigade: added note (d), added footnote 6.
29.10.2011 Updated 11 Armoured Infantry Brigade: revised note (a), updated footnote 1.
29.10.2011 Updated
13 Armoured Brigade: revised note (d), added footnote 3.
29.10.2011 Updated
1 (NL) Corps page: added a section on the corps sector in Germany and the planned defensive operations there, with map.
29.10.2011 Updated unit symbols page.
29.10.2011 Updated 
Unit Organisation and Equipment page: added the reconnaissance battalion.
17.10.2011 Updated the
unit symbols page.
17.10.2011 Updated 41 Armoured Brigade: added a force profile and a description of its role in the corps covering force.
Updated 104 Observation and Reconnaissance Company on the Unit Organisation and Equipment page: minor amendments.
11.10.2011 Updated 104 Observation and Reconnaissance Company on the Unit Organisation and Equipment page.
10.10.2011 Corrected an error on the 
Unit Organisation and Equipment page that mounted a YPR-765 battalion partly in YP-408s. Thanks to Jo van der Pluym for spotting and reporting this.
09.10.2011 Updated Unit Organisation and Equipment: minor addition, again regarding Short Leave units.
09.10.2011 Updated Ministry of Defence and Commander-in-Chief Land Forces: added some minor clarifications.
09.10.2011 Updated 101 Military Constabulary Battalion with information on its RIM units.
09.10.2011 Updated most of the pages sub 1 (NL) Corps: erroneous usage of the term 'Short Leave' with respect to RIM battalions has been corrected. The Army's rather elaborate unit filling and reserve system and its terminology (ONDAS, Short Leave, RIM) will be explained in full at some time in the future; in the meantime I have added a footnote to the pages concerned, linking to a contemporary article on the subject that provides an excellent overview of the system. It is in Dutch, but scanned with OCR and therefore usable in translation tools such as Google Translate.
09.10.2011 Added 13 Armoured Brigade
02.10.2011 Updated the unit symbols page and added Dutch translations (mouseover).
02.10.2011 Added 42 Armoured Infantry Brigade
01.10.2011 Revised
note (c) on 1 (NL) Corps page.
27.09.2011 Added note (c) to 1 (NL) Corps page.
25.09.2011 Admin: site transferred from home.planet.nl to www.orbat85.nl.
20.09.2011 Added 52 Armoured Infantry Brigade.

20.09.2011 Removed 101 Replacement Battalion from 1 (NL) Corps organisational chart as I found it to be part of Corps Logistic Command (LLC).
19.09.2011 Added a footnote to the Introduction, on the (in)significance of the year 1985.
18.09.2011 Site launched.