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782 Medical Group
782 Geneeskundige Groep (782 Gnkgp)

Part I | Part II 

743 Gnkdhrstdepcie403 TerrgnkcieCcieSsvdet 746 Vldhospbat404 TerrgnkcieBcieAcie689 Shockbehplg433 Gnkdostcie746 VldhospbatStstcie 782 Gnkgp782 Gnkgp

Unit Location Peace Strength War Strength
Staff and Staff Company
782 Medical Group [a]
36/22/35 (93)
746 Field Hospital Battalion [b]
Staff and Support Detachment
746 Field Hospital Battalion
6/8/22/2 (38)
A Company 8/12/54 (74)
B Company 8/12/54 (74)
C Company 8/12/54 (74)
   30/44/184/2 (260)
433 Medical Support Company [c] 16/15/36 (67)
743 Medical Repair and Depot Company [b] [d] Bergen op Zoom -/2/-/3 (5) 10/26/94/3 (133)
403 Territorial Medical Company [e] 10/10/198 (218)
404 Territorial Medical Company [f] 10/10/198 (218)
689 Shock Treatment Team [b] 1/1/2 (4)

a. Filled by mobilisable personnel that had fulfilled their active-duty period in Staff and Staff Detachment, 102 Medical Group up to eight and a half years prior to mobilisation.1
b. Filled (out) by personnel from the general pool of mobilisable reserves (vrij-indeelbaar bestand) that had fulfilled their active-duty period in relevant functions up to twelve and a half years prior to mobilisation.1
c. Filled by mobilisable personnel from 14 Medical Company (RIM) after their fourteen to sixteen-month RIM period in that unit had expired, up to eight and a half years prior to mobilisation.1 4
d. Wartime organisation. Until mobilisation under command of Staff, Royal Army Medical Command. Provided medical materiel support to Royal Army and Royal Air Force units in the Netherlands.2
e. Filled by mobilisable personnel from 52 Brigade Medical Company (RIM) after their fourteen to sixteen-month RIM period in that unit had expired, up to eight and a half years prior to mobilisation.1 4
f. Filled by mobilisable personnel from 51 Brigade Medical Company (RIM) after their fourteen to sixteen-month RIM period in that unit had expired, up to eight and a half years prior to mobilisation.1 4

Part I | Part II

125 Millsdet Zkhsgp104 Psychplg 119 Millsdet Zkhsgp120 Millsdet Zkhsgp124 Millsdet Zkhsgp473 Rgngnkdet472 Rgngnkdet839 Keurr KLu105 Millsdet Zkhsgp106 Millsdet Zkhsgp107 Millsdet Zkhsgp108 Millsdet Zkhsgp

UnitLocationPeace StrengthWar Strength
104 Psychological Team [a] 7/3/7 (17)
105 Military Liaison Detachment, Hospital Group [a] 5/4/14 (23)
106 Military Liaison Detachment, Hospital Group [a] 4/4/12 (20)
107 Military Liaison Detachment, Hospital Group [a] 4/4/12 (20)
108 Military Liaison Detachment, Hospital Group [a] 4/4/12 (20)
119 Military Liaison Detachment, Hospital Group [a] 5/6/19 (30)
120 Military Liaison Detachment, Hospital Group [a] 5/6/19 (30)
124 Military Liaison Detachment, Hospital Group [a] 6/9/25 (40)
125 Military Liaison Detachment, Hospital Group [a] 6/9/25 (40)
839 Royal Air Force Medical Examination Board [b] Rijen 4/1/1 (6) 4/1/1 (6)
472 Regional Medical Detachment [a] [c] [d] Breda 35/41/98/14 (188) 41/41/134/9 (225)
473 Regional Medical Detachment [a] [c] [d] Roermond 25/30/57/16 (128) 33/32/101/13 (179)
782 Medical Group Peace Strength: –
782 Medical Group War Strength: 237/251/1128/27 (1643)

a. Filled (out) by personnel from the general pool of mobilisable reserves (vrij-indeelbaar bestand) that had fulfilled their active-duty period in relevant functions up to twelve and a half years prior to mobilisation.1
b. Wartime organisation. In peacetime under Royal Air Force command.
c. Wartime organisation. In peacetime under command of Staff, Royal Army Medical Command.
d.Provided lower-echelon medical support to territorial Royal Army units in peace and wartime.3


1. NIMH 205A/10, Aflossing van mobilisabele eenheden en -aanvullingen d.d. 27 mei 1980. Ibid., d.d. 11 november 1983. Ibid., d.d. 17 juni 1985.
2.Anonymus, 5 Jaar, 21.
3.Ibid, 21. NL-HaNA 2.13.182, inv. nr. 711, Planningsmemorandum Legerplan 177-21 d.d. 12 mei 1987, Schematische weergave 1e fase reorganisatie.
4.RIM was the Dutch acronym for Direct Influx into Mobilisable Units (Rechtstreekse Instroming in Mobilisabele Eenheden). GRIM was a variant of this system, meaning "Largely RIM" (Grotendeels Rechtstreekse Instroming in Mobilisabele Eenheden). For a survey of the Royal Army's unit filling and reserve system see Gijsbers, Blik in de smidse, 2222-2231; Selles, Personele vulling; Berghuijs, Opleiding, 14-23. In English: Isby and Kamps, Armies, 341-343; Sorrell, Je Maintiendrai, 94-96; Van Vuren, The Royal Netherlands Army TodayMilitary Review April 1982, 23-28.