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812 Transport Group
812 Transportgroep (812 Tgp)

828 Zwtcie826 Zwtcie38 Lttcie39 Lttcie40 Lttcie37 Lttcie53 Lttcie56 Lttcie55 Lttcie54 LttcieStstcie 821 Tbat821 TbatStstcie 817 Tbat817 Tbat26 Lttcie27 Lttcie28 Lttcie25 LttcieStstcie 814 Tbat814 Tbat34 Lttcie35 Lttcie36 Lttcie33 LttcieAanvdet RVVS ZuidRVVS ZuidAanvdet RVVS OostRVVS OostTVC OostStstcie 816 Tbat816 TbatAanvdet Ststcie 812 TgpTVC Zuid812 TgpTVC WestStstcie 812 Tgp

Unit Location Peace Strength War Strength
Staff and Staff Company
812 Transport Group
Gouda 10/8/2/4 (24) 16/26/42/2 (86)
 Replacement Holding Detachment [a] 41/72/132 (245)
Regional Traffic and Transport Staff East [a] 11/24/51 (86)
 Replacement Holding Detachment [a] 29/58/100 (187)
Regional Traffic and Transport Staff South [a] 8/19/42 (69)
 Replacement Holding Detachment [a] 23/45/83 (151)

Territorial Transport Company East [b] Teuge 3/12/96/32 (143) 3/12/129/32 (176)
Territorial Transport Company West Den Haag 3/17/145/15 (180) 3/17/166/15 (201)
Territorial Transport Company South Breda 3/10/79/18 (110) 3/10/100/18 (131)

814 Transport Battalion
Staff and Staff Company
814 Transport Battalion 
7/11/29/2 (49)
25 Light Transport Company [c] [f] 5/16/143 (164)
26 Light Transport Company [c] [f] 5/16/143 (164)
27 Light Transport Company [c] [f] 5/16/143 (164)
28 Light Transport Company [d] [f] 5/16/143 (164)
5/16/143 (164)
816 Transport Battalion
Staff and Staff Company
816 Transport Battalion 
7/11/29/2 (49)
33 Light Transport Company [e] [f] 5/16/143 (164)
34 Light Transport Company [a] [f] 5/16/143 (164)
35 Light Transport Company [a] [f] 5/16/143 (164)
36 Light Transport Company [a] [f] 5/16/143 (164)
817 Transport Battalion
Staff and Staff Company
817 Transport Battalion 
7/11/29/2 (49)
37 Light Transport Company [a] [f] 5/16/143 (164)
38 Light Transport Company [a] [f] 5/16/143 (164)
39 Light Transport Company [a] [f] 5/16/143 (164)
40 Light Transport Company [a] [f] 5/16/143 (164)
821 Transport Battalion
Staff and Staff Company
821 Transport Battalion 
7/11/29/2 (49)
53 Light Transport Company [a] [f] 5/16/143 (164)
54 Light Transport Company [a] [f] 5/16/143 (164)
55 Light Transport Company [a] [f] 5/16/143 (164)
56 Light Transport Company [a] [f] 5/16/143 (164)
826 Heavy Transport Company [g] [i] 5/16/134 (155)
828 Heavy Transport Company [h] [i] 5/16/134 (155)
812 Transport Group Peace Strength: 19/47/322/69 (457)
812 Transport Group War Strength: 255/615/3517/75 (4462)

a. Filled by personnel from the general pool of mobilisable reserves (vrij-indeelbaar bestand) that had fulfilled their active-duty period in relevant functions up to twelve and a half years prior to mobilisation.1
b. In wartime responsible for transport of petrol, oil and lubricants (POL) from depots in the Netherlands and West Germany to the corps supply point areas of 1 (NL) Corps.2
c. Filled by mobilisable personnel that had fulfilled their active-duty period in 108 Light Transport Company up to eight and a half years prior to mobilisation.1
d. Filled by mobilisable personnel that had fulfilled their active-duty period in 52 Light Transport Company up to eight and a half years prior to mobilisation.1
e. Filled by mobilisable personnel that had fulfilled their active-duty period in 49 Light Transport Company up to eight and a half years prior to mobilisation.1
f. Each light transport company had three transport platoons, each probably with 20 x three-tonne truck (DAF YA-314 or perhaps YA-328) and 1 x DAF YA-314 with one-tonne trailer.3
g.GRIM company, largely filled by mobilisable platoons that had fulfilled their active-duty period in 829 Heavy Transport Company between four and twenty months prior to mobilisation. In some documents the company carries the suffix '10t' (ten-tonne).1 5
h.Filled by mobilisable personnel from 826 Heavy Transport Company (GRIM) after their fourteen to sixteen-month RIM period in that unit had expired, up to eight and a half years prior to mobilisation. In some documents the company carries the suffix '10t' (ten-tonne).1 5
i.826 and 828 Heavy Transport Company probably still mainly had trucks of the DAF YA-616 series: DAF YT-616 tractor trucks with ten-tonne semi-trailers.4


1. NIMH 205A/10, Aflossing van mobilisabele eenheden en -aanvullingen d.d. 27 mei 1980. Ibid., d.d. 11 november 1983. Ibid., d.d. 17 juni 1985.
2. IJntema, Bevoorrading Klasse III, 12.
3. Website Geschiedenis Bevoorrading en Transport, 105 Transportbataljon. 
4. See IJntema, op. cit., 17. For vehicle modernisation in the active-duty parent unit, 829 Heavy Transport Company, see Corps Logistic Command, Part V, note f and footnote 12. 
5. RIM was the Dutch acronym for Direct Influx into Mobilisable Units (Rechtstreekse Instroming in Mobilisabele Eenheden). GRIM was a variant of this system, meaning "Largely RIM" (Grotendeels Rechtstreekse Instroming in Mobilisabele Eenheden). For a survey of the Royal Army's unit filling and reserve system see Gijsbers, Blik in de smidse, 2222-2231; Selles, Personele vulling; Berghuijs, Opleiding, 14-23. In English: Isby and Kamps, Armies, 341-343; Sorrell, Je Maintiendrai, 94-96; Van Vuren, The Royal Netherlands Army TodayMilitary Review April 1982, 23-28.