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Friesland Provincial Military Command/Garrison Command
Provinciaal Militair Commando/Garnizoenscommando Friesland (PMC/GC FR)

319 Pelnatres318 Pelnatres316 Pelnatres315 Pelnatres311 Pelnatres310 Pelnatres309 Pelnatres306 Pelnatres333 LtinfbevciePMC/GC FR19 CiestnatresSsvcie PMC/GC FR

Unit Location Peace Strength War Strength
Staff and Support Company
Friesland Provincial
Military Command/Garrison Command
32/34/100/3 (169)
333 Light Security Infantry Company [a] 5/16/109 (130)
19 Company Staff, National Reserve Corps [b] [c] 2/4/17 (23)
306 (Lemmer) Platoon, National Reserve Corps [b] 1/4/29 (34)
309 (Heerenveen) Platoon, National Reserve Corps [b] 1/4/29 (34)
310 (Veenwouden) Platoon, National Reserve Corps [b] 1/4/29 (34)
311 (Leeuwarden) Platoon, National Reserve Corps [b] 1/4/29 (34)
315 (Ferwerd) Platoon, National Reserve Corps [b] 1/4/29 (34)
316 (Sneek) Platoon, National Reserve Corps [b] 1/4/29 (34)
318 (Dongeradeel) Platoon, National Reserve Corps [b] 1/4/29 (34)
319 (Harlingen) Platoon, National Reserve Corps [b] 1/4/29 (34)
Friesland Provincial Military Command/Garrison Command Peace Strength:
Friesland Provincial Military Command/Garrison Command War Strength: 46/86/458/3 (593)

a. Filled by mobilisable personnel that had fulfilled their active-duty period in 429 Mobile Security Infantry Company up to eight and a half years prior to mobilisation.1
b. Wartime organisation; part of Northern Regional Military Command in peacetime.
c. National Reserve (NATRES) company staff would take three or more NATRES platoons under command. Other platoons would operate under the command of a security infantry company, or directly under the Provincial Military Commander/Garrison Commander.2
Kazco Prins Willem AlexanderkazerneKazco Van Stolkweg 16

1. NIMH 205A/10, Aflossing van mobilisabele eenheden en -aanvullingen d.d. 11 november 1983.
2. VS 7-265, 13. Hoffenaar en Schoenmakers, November Romeo, 112-113.